Off topic and obvious trolling.

If you or anyone else has serious information about another company you think is up to no good, feel free to DM it on Twitter.

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If you want to troll you have to use a different username than your administrator username on https://forum.kinesis.money, "Derek".

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Wish I had found you years ago Cryptoinformer. Great work. Thanks

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Lol. 5/7 “Crypto Informer” articles about Kinesis. And up next! 6/8

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Oh I will stay and enjoy reading. Suggesting you should reevaluate your substack title and about: Crypto Informer - Kinesis Takedown: With maybe some focus on the vast crypto market corruption (which actually needs far more due diligence.)

Looking forward to article 6 of 8 on Kinesis!

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Perhaps you can save me the time so I can move on to something else.

How many nodes does Kinesis and who operates them?

How do you retrieve the entire transaction history of the Kinesis Monetary System blockchain?

How do you validate the token supply of KAU and KAG? How do you determine how many unique addresses hold each token and how many they hold?

How do you know the Kinesis Monetary centralized exchange is not a fractional reserve and really holds all the assets deposited there?

Why was there so much unusual volume and fluctuations in the claimed supply of KAU between audits that ended abruptly on the day of the last audit?

Where is the second biannual audit for 2022?

Why do two vaults have their names and locations redacted?

Why is Kinesis storing gold and silver in places that it can't be audited and lying about this on their website?

If somebody already did that research I could just link to it and move on to something else.

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Ever thought about asking them?

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I'm not the first one to ask many of these questions. If they wanted to answer them they would have done so, and they probably would have updated their website by now.

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Leaves you open to assuming, no? You really won’t contact the company you are writing extensively about? You seem to source from their website the most. I seem to be missing Information from reading your substack and am more inclined this is personal to you in some way. Why the lack of seeking out the information to build the best article you can about the gaps/flags you see about Kinesis?

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