Feb 10, 2023Liked by Crypto Informer

3:00:15 or there abouts, Jim F checks with his wife who tells him, just when he might have to answer serious questions, to get the fuck off the computer.

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I heard that show. The feeling I get from listening to guys like Bob Coleman is that they are just trying a liiiiittle too hard to be convincing. Understanding that this show is about a scandal that originated at Wallstreetsilver and its mods, it is hard to see why they should use this as an occasion to go after one of its sponsors. - Just my opinion or a hunch you could say, there is something foul here. - And if they were really so concerned, why not clear it up and take Jim F & the sponsor guys up on the offer for an open debate. That is the way honorable business men would clear it up. But this... feels shady, sorry.

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Feb 16, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023Author

That was an open forum (all Twitter spaces are). Kinesis didn't show up. Jim ran away in the middle of it but not before making a bunch of false statements detailed above.

They had another opportunity yesterday. Neither Jim nor Kinesis showed up.

Nothing here is a debate topic. Everything presented on this Substack is factual and based on public information. All methods data and sources were provided. A "debate" is an attempt to distract. Meanwhile, there is still no second audit for 2022 and ABX's 2022 audit is missing.

Maybe the CEO was too busy meditating. Funny he has so much time for meditation but rarely for completing audits on time. https://twitter.com/quella_ama/status/1626077179405832192?s=20

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Hmm, ok. But I have to say your point of view feels biased - I do not understand why are you so single-minded about this particular project ? - Also, meditation is a very good thing... it helps understand where illusion and deception really come from.

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Can meditation help find the missing audits?

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You did not answer my question.

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Oh, because this project gets little to no coverage but deserves lots.

Where are the audits?

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Hmm... well, I do not know the answer to your question. It is not my profession to financially dissect companies - But you certainly seem to be very keen on it - I could not imagine putting in so much time and effort in research without getting paid for it.

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